Summer 2024 - Raw Food+Juice Cleanse

Are you ready to sparkle with vitality? June 10 - 20 we do it!

10 days of deep cellular cleansing while we support the body’s garbage collector (the lymphatic system) in its ceaseless job of removing toxins from the body.

Embrace your health—body, mind, spirit—through a cleansing journey with me and a community of like-minded women. Launch your brilliant transformation as you detoxify, rejuvenate, and nourish from the inside out.

Sign up by June 1st latest and let the magic begin!

Just a few of our SUCCESS stories…

Health Coach Shannon Nering

Shannon Nering

Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Health Coach

I love helping people discover their God-given healing capacity using natural methods. The body is designed to heal! Day after day, I scour the research, take numerous courses and seminars (including my PhD in Natural Medicine - grad 2026), then distill it down into what people need to know to take back their health. I look at root cause, no bandaid solutions, let’s get to the crux of your health issues. If you want to break old habits that no longer serve, and create healthy new ones, then a cleanse or consult with me might be your best next step. Let me help you launch your unique journey to wellness. Learn the science of feeling great as you take practical steps to transform your health! Let’s GLO!

Registered Holistic Nutritionist Shannon Nering

Glow in Health.

We can’t do this alone. Community is everything. Cleanse with friends! In community we are held, supported and loved. The groups is your team and I am your coach!

Health/nutrition is confusing in a world of factory food. Diets don’t work. Working out won’t save you. Prayer/meditation only gets you so far. Influencers are always raving about some miracle cure—then you wonder why it doesn’t work. Truth is, there’s no magic pill! It takes all of it. Creating optimum health is wonderfully complex but I’m here to make it simple.

I’m on a journey of optimum health. Striving daily, looking to nature and the wisdom of forebears and today’s wisest souls (Dr. Zach Bush, Gina Bria, Dr Joe Mercola, Sayer Ji, Dr. Barbara O’Neill and so on) for solutions. I hope you’ll join me as I sift through the science and provide clear guidance toward optimum health. Let’s work on the whole YOU: body, mind and spirit because beauty is not skin deep, it’s SOUL deep.

Become a health warrior — join my tribe now!