The fastest way to create deep healing is to cleanse body-mind-spirit…

Shannon in the Pineapple Patch

Shannon Nering, R.H.N.

Aloha, I’m Shannon, detox expert and health coach. Officially, I’m a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, working on a PhD in Natural Medicine at Quantum University. Before this, my life was totally different. I was a reality TV producer/ director, engulfed in people’s dramas. Crazy town! The upside being that I learned so much about human nature. Every day is different on the set: new location, new crew, new talent and new problems. This got me thinking…

How can I best serve? Where’s my heart? The answer came loud and clear — teach people how to heal by natural means, teach them to detox then support them in their journey to optimum health.

Here I am today, on the luscious island of Kauai, living with my two teens and my husband on a fruit orchard with chickens, dogs, pineapples, avocados and more. Sometimes I feel like an alien here; it’s so different from where I grew up — prairies, foothills, mountains. But Mother Kauai is generous and gives to those who give back. And isn’t that the spice of life? So now, I share what I know . . .

Healthy Lifestyle Habits By Shannon Nering

The Good Life

Isn’t that the goal? Health + Beauty = Joy. We all know health is critical— but beauty? Yes. Because beauty is fundamental. It exists everywhere—in a bean sprout, the sparkle of a child’s eye, the trout shimmering in a brook, the wisdom in grandma’s wrinkles, a rock! It’s in all things, if we look deeply. Because beauty is nature. And it is our nature, the highest form of existence alongside love . . . Let’s dive deep together to find this place within, where cleansing begins, to create a clean slate so we can be born afresh each day. From the wisdom of the heart, we create OPTIMUM HEALTH and healing, we create . . . the good life.

Are you in or are you out?


It’s only your HEALTH we’re talking about. No biggy!

Ha! I tell people, your life depends on it — because it kind of does. Allergies? Gut trouble? Aches? Pains? Inflammation? Obesity? Diabetes? Stroke? CHRONIC disease is everywhere! We need to get serious about optimizing our health because we are inundated with toxins every day. Factory food is dead food.

I much prefer to be in prevention mode (better yet, creation), versus reacting to endless symptoms, symbolic of deeper disease. Every one has SYMPTOMS, even those who appear healthy. Look under the hood of most humans and you’ll find a host of parasites, bacteria, fungi, tissue necrosis and waste products that’d make your head spin.

When you cleanse with me, you first list your symptoms so we can solve health issues at the root. For best results, cleanse every season. I’m in the world of knowledge collecting and sharing. But more important is knowing — aka intuition — learning to see and trust your own intuition so you can choose health every single time!


“Shannon, thank you so much for thinking of us and supporting my husband with his MS. It’s always great to hear your voice. It’s so full of love and kindness.”

— Neda Najy, Vancouver, BC


Additional services offered…

  • One-on-one Health Consultation: $250/session includes extensive intake forms (NSP proprietary), evaluation, one hour nutrition protocol consult and 45 minute follow up consult (within 3 weeks)

  • Custom group cleanse for your friend or family group on your timeline. Minimum 5 participants. $250/person (duration dependent)

  • Shannon Nering, R.H.N., on-call for texts, emails & phone calls to help solve your non-acute health concerns. $50/month

  • Other, please email me…